Unit 1: Antarctica
B: Antarctica is another name for the South Pole. It is also a continent. A long time ago, the South Pole was close to the equator. That was 500 million years ago. It was once joined to Australia. Then, all the land on Earth started to move. Antarctica moved away from Australia and went south.
Dinosaur bones were once found at the South Pole. Do you know why? Dinosaurs lived there millions of years ago. This was before it moved away from the equator.
About 98% of this continent is frozen. The rest is made up of rock. The South Pole has 87% of the world’s ice. But did you know that it gets very little snow? Only about two inches of snow falls each year.
How many people live on your continent? No one lives in the South Pole. Only animals, like penguins, live there. Scientists and tourists visit there, but they don’t stay long. Do you want to visit Antarctica? It is the coldest, driest place on Earth!